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【イベント告知】LIVESTRONG Day 2014 Forum -がんとの上手な付き合い方-(2014/5/25(日)13:00~@東京)





Japan For LIVESTRONG 関東チームでは、以下の通り、フォーラムを行います。



LIVESTRONG Day 2014 Forum


■日時:5月25日(日)午後1時〜4時 (途中入場・退場・休憩自由)
■場所:飯倉いきいきプラザ(〒106-0044 港区東麻布2丁目16番11号)
■参加費:1000円(with drinks and snacks)
■人数:約 50名

13:00~ 開始のご挨拶  Binzee Gonzalvo (JPLS 創設者)
13:15~基調講演1 「医師との上手な付き合い方ーHow to communicate with medical staff」 小島康幸(JPLS医師リーダー・聖マリアンナ医科大学 乳腺内分泌外科)
14:10~基調講演2 「がんと運動」
15:00~Let`s exercise !! 恋のフォーチューンクッキーエクササイズ
15:10~パネルディスカッション 「がんとの上手な向き合い方」
Japan for LIVESTRONGリーダーであり、年代やがん種も違うがんサバイバーと、医師、看護師による、トークセッションです。

16:45 終了




Join us for LIVESTRONG Day 2014 in Tokyo!


Patients, survivors, family, friends, co-workers, medical community, general public are all welcome. ♪

LIVESTRONG Day pays tribute in honour and memory of those affected by cancer around the world.

Japan for LIVESTRONG Kanto team is hosting a mini forum, This time, as follows, I will do a forum.

We are looking forward to your participation of a lot of people.

(For those in Kansai area, you can join “Kansai for LIVESTRONG Day” event on the same day and time.

Kansai event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/432503903550794/?ref_dashboard_filter=calendar)



LIVESTRONG Day 2014 Forum @ Tokyo
“Overcoming cancer” theme



** Note: Most of the forum will be in Japanese. However, some of the JPLS team can speak English and would be

happy to talk with you during break or free discussions at the end of the forum. **


1 pm to 4 pm ( Sunday) afternoon May 25 date and time:(Free to enter, leave anytime)


Location: Iikura Ikikiki Plaza (2-16-11 Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0044)
Audience: Public (Patients, survivors, caregivers, family, friends, co-workers)
Fee: ¥ 1,000 (with drinks and snacks)
Persons: about 50 people

[ Program ]
12:30 – Reception and preparation start
13:00 – Greetings Binzee Gonzalvo (JPLS Co-Founder, blood cancer survivor)
13:05 – LIVESTRONG / JPLS Update
13:15 Keynote Speech #1 “How to be a good partner with your doctor”
Dr. Yasuyuki Kojima(JPLS physician leader, St. Marianna University School of Medicine mammary gland endocrine surgery)
Q & A
14:00 Break
14:10 Keynote Speech #2 ”Exercise and Cancer”
Hikoi Hirotaka(JPLS Fitness leader · NPO Challenge Athlete Foundation Chairman)
Q & A
15:00 “Fortune cookie in Love” exercise ~ Let’s exercise!!
15:10- Panel discussion on “Dealing with cancer”
Cancer affects us in many ways. the body, mind, life, work, love, marriage, pregnancy, children, family…
Some Japan for LIVESTRONG leader who are survivors will share part of their stories. Different cancer types and different ages with a JPLS doctor and nurse leaders also participating.
Chance to ask questions freely and find ways to move forward in our cancer journey.
16:00 Free one-on-one discussion
16:45 End

We are looking forward to your participation and support!